Words of Power
By Pastor Jeno Shaw/ The Walk Ministries
Broadcast 01.21.2024
Suggestions For Teaching:
- PSALMS 40:14
- JAMES 3:6
- HOSEA 4:6
- ISAIAH 29:4
- 1 THESS 2:19
- JOSHUA 16:5
- ISAIAH 13:21-22
- PROVERBS 18:21
Summary: Your words can invite heaven or hell(really)
- Words can invite the demonic
- People can repeat words with a demonic agenda and not realize
- The tongue is a powerful vessel
- Heaven has a language (faith filled words from scripture)
- Hell has a language (profanity)
- Words change water (now imagine your body, your situation)
Message: Wordsofpower, wordsinvite, tongueispowerful, wordschangewater
Love ya saints!
Pastor Jeno Shaw