By Pastor Jeno Shaw/ The Walk Ministries
Broadcast 02.25.2024
Suggestions For Teaching:
- 1THESS 4:17-18
- NUMBERS 5:11-29
- JEREMIAH 3:2-6
- HOSEA 1:2
- LUKE 22:39-46
Summary: The Jewish Wedding also points to the end times and “the invitation” is actually at the Last Supper!
- It is common prior to the wedding, the groom and bride have never even held hands
- The wedding day is actually considered a Holy day much like the Day of Atonement
- The Ketubah is a written agreement between the two parties, today we call it PRENUP
- Some couples choose to fast on their wedding day and eat only after they are married
- If the bride drinks from the cup it means she is in agreement with the marriage, see communion
Message: thejewishway, jewishwedding, communion, ketubah
Love ya saints!
Pastor Jeno Shaw