THE FLOWER OF LIFE – Sunday REVIVAL Tent Meeting – 06/09/2024




By Pastor Jeno Shaw/ The Walk Ministries

Broadcast 06.09.2024

Suggestions For Teaching:


  • EXODUS 33: 1-3
  • JOHN 21: 6-7
  • EXODUS 33: 1-3 (again)
  • GENESIS 25: 1-2
  • GENESIS 25: 5-6
  • GENESIS 6: 5-8
  • EXODUS 32: 9-10
  • EXODUS 32: 14-15
  • NUMBERS 23: 19

Summary: As we read our bibles, the bible will begin to blossom


  1. Reading vs Eating the bible
  2. Reading passages more than once
  3. Ask yourself questions while reading
  4. Ask Holy Spirit for understanding

Message: blossombible, reading, eatingthebible, partnerwithholyspirit


Love ya saints!

Pastor Jeno Shaw

About Jeno Shaw

I'm a servant, preacher, teacher, prophet of Jesus Christ through the will of God: Mathew 16:18, the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it(church)
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