By Pastor Jeno Shaw/ The Walk Ministries
Broadcast 05.26.2024
Suggestions For Teaching:
- MATTHEW 13: 28-29
- MATTHEW 26:25
- MATTHEW 26: 69-75
- MARK 16: 1-7
- LUKE 22: 31
- LUKE 8: 4-8
Summary: What is stopping you from becoming part of the 1% club?
- God is not stopping you, He is NOT your roadblock
- In almost every scenario, all are welcome but few take the risk of trust
- All of the disciples could have gotten out of the boat and walked on water
- Let us lean into that 1% and walk boldly and believe and execute boldly as well
Message: 1%, whatisstoppingyou, goforit, walkonwater,heartheword
Love ya saints!
Pastor Jeno Shaw