Sunday Tent Meeting: COMMANDERS! 9/11/22


The Walk Ministries

2085 Lynnhaven Parkway

Suite 106 #514 

Virginia Beach, VA 23456



September 11, 2022

Introduction: 9/11

First off, welcome everyone to the land of the free! Now I realize freedom is not for everyone. Some people have a problem with freedom here in the United States. And let me just say if you have a problem with freedom then this country may not be for you!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…


Today as you know is the anniversary of 9/11. Growing up it was all about “where were you when JFK got assassinated”? Everyone knew what they were doing at that time.

Well today it’s what were you doing when 9/11 happened? I was getting ready to go to work and I had the news on. I used to watch the news back then, but I don’t watch now. I thought it was a drunk pilot honestly, until the second one hit the towers.

But anyways let’s get to the message.



19 If you are willing and obedient,

You shall eat the best of the land

I had a problem with this verse because I feel I have been obedient. I have been willing. But over the course of these past 3 years of being obedient and living with people and ministering to people, I have come to a place where I’m like Lord ok ok this is enough! Can I settle down somewhere and settle and make roots. The tough thing about following the will of the Lord is one, he doesn’t show you the full shebang. He gives or shows you just a little at a time. Now I know why. If the Lord showed us everything then we might be inclined to say no Lord I don’t want to go through that! But because he shows us a step at a  time, then we say yes.

Two the problem I had  was this. Your word is true, then why am I not eating the fat of the land or the best of the land? So this tells me something is wrong! Now when something is wrong there can only be 3 people to blame.


3 people to blame

So when something is off or goes awry I have learned there can only be 3 possibilities to lay blame.


  1. God
  2. Yourself
  3. devil 

1 God. Now it is just a process of elimination. I know that God is good and that he is good all the time and that is true. So now this eliminates God. And I feel this in my heart that we serve a good good God and no matter how my reality looks, I can not and refuse to blame God. 

2 Is it myself? Maybe I took a step out of turn. Maybe God stopped and I kept going or God left and I didn’t follow. Maybe I’m just following my flesh. 

3 Is this an attack? Am I being hindered by the enemy? Have I left a door open? These are the inventory checks I go through and answer them honestly so I can assess the situation and pray about it.


So while praying I got no on number 1, no on number 2, no on number 3. But then I got a nudge to revisit number 2. So yes I Am obedient but this last curveball I admit I wasn’t totally willing. Willing means with a good attitude, with joy and anticipation. Did I obey yes but my heart wasn’t in it. Not totally. So this would be the area I need to work on!

So this is the process I’m currently going through and sharing with you all and hopefully it helps you too.



I can’t explain enough the need for men to get together. Healthy men. I don’t have time for jealousy, I don’t have time for alpha dogs, I don’t even have time to exchange scripture to see who can come up with the best one!

God has hidden gifts and wisdom inside of me that is not readily apparent at first. I Am a very simple yet complicated man, lol. On the surface I am simple but yet my thoughts are deep yet 


my speech comes out a little slow. It’s because my mind is processing a thousand things at a time!

And because of this it’s hard for me to enjoy a game of chess, I tend to analyze every move.

I had this one boss that was very highly intelligent and he talked super fast. One day he shared with me that the doctors diagnosed him with a slow heart! Isn’t that weird. Even when he goes on walks with his wife he says his wife is too slow so he decides to walk or jog backwards so he can slow down for her, lol. But he has a slow heart! I found that very interesting. I just thought I would share that, lol.

But back to the meetings. I didn’t realize how much I needed to talk to fellow men but also the pastor! I felt a shift within me and afterwards I felt a breath of fresh air, confidence and increased faith. That’s how you can tell a good mens meeting. 

I remember I went to a mens meeting in California. I was so embarrassed. My wife went first. They had a women’s meeting and boy did my wife come back charged and excited! I thought wow I can’t wait to goto the men’s meeting next week! Well I went to the meeting and everyone was talking about their cars, or barbecue, or paintball! And then we ate and that was it! I was so disappointed and embarrassed to tell my wife that we men didn’t do anything at the meeting. I did not come back like she did. I was  not sharpened, lifted up or anything like that. Not like the women’s meeting.It made me want to go to the women’s meeting instead lol.


So this promise has a condition. IF YOU ARE WILLING AND OBEDIENT. So God is asking us to do 2 things. And if we do these 2 things, then he guarantees that we will eat from the fat of the land or in other words we will eat the best of the land. 


So this can be a hard pill to swallow right? If you are NOT eating the best in the land then something is wrong, right? So how many of you are NOT eating the best the land has to offer? Now is the time to be honest and do a transparent inventory of yourself. 


Note: Asking the right questions will lead to wisdom!

So now go before our God and it’s ok to ask him why? Why am I not eating from the best of the land? This question can lead to your breakthrough!!!!!!

Ok next verse,



26 For the [whole] earth is the Lord’s, and everything that is in it.

Whole doesnt mean partial it means whole, all, nothing missing nothing lacking, whole earth is the Lord’s. That would be good enough but God continues and says “ AND everything that is in it”! It’s like God is doubling down on it. It’s all mine AND everything that is in it! He makes it plain and clear! He leaves no doubt as to who the earth belongs to!

So we being children, is this not our inheritance? True, Adam messed up but Jesus has redeemed us, so let’s take back what’s rightfully ours!!!


Psalm 24:1








The King of Glory Entering Zion.

A Psalm of David.

1 The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness of it,

The world, and those who dwell in it.


Again we are comforted to know the earth, the world and those that dwell in it are the Lords. In other words God has the trump card. God always has the next move. God never runs out of moves as in a chess game, God always has the last move/ the next move, amen because everything is his!


Ok so we’re going to continue to drive this home. Amen.

Psalm 50:10-11

10 For every beast of the forest is Mine,

And the cattle on a thousand hills.

11 I know every bird of the mountains,

And everything that moves in the field is Mine.


Are we not on top of all the animals? Are we not higher than the birds and the small animals and insects that move in the field? 



The cattle on a thousand hills is his, and again this is our inheritance as his children. It doesn’t make sense sometimes does it? We know the truth but where is it in our lives?(come back to this)


Lack of knowledge

As a body of Christ, I don’t think we are using all of our tools or weapons. How many Christians you know are using their Holy Angels? None because we are afraid “Oh were not supposed to worship angels, we are not to worship president Trump” 

Listen, people have gotten it twisted. We don’t worship president Trump. It’s just how often does a man of God come along, in his imperfection, publicly announce and parade around and lift up the name of God! Oh he did this in the past, AND so did you!!! That’s the power of the blood of Christ and salvation! I don’t know if we are going to witness in our lifetime another man of God in the presidency! I pray we do, I pray we do!!! 

I would love to see more men of God in the White house!!! In Jesus name!!

Holy Angels, are they not ministering spirits?




14 Are not all the angels ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will inherit salvation? [Of course they are!]


Ministering Spirits

Here we are on earth. It seems at times we are pitted up against satan who is the father of lies. He is a trickster and tries to fool us.

Obviously we need help. God has sent angels to minister unto us. But some of our angels are sitting around bored! We are not commanding them! 

I believe this has become our weakness. We are not using this tool.




11 Then the devil left Him; and angels came and ministered to Him [bringing Him food and serving Him].


See so the angels brought Jesus food AND SERVED HIM. We need to put our angels to work! Amen!


What do you lack, what do you need? Pray to God and send your holy angels! Everyday!


Ok this is being played out in my life right before your eyes! So you guys will see a miracle come through here! 

I’m not going to do a fundraiser. Like dedicate a whole broadcast to fundraising. But I expressed a need but I just don’t feel like the holy spirit wants me to dedicate a whole broadcast to that. But I’m believing in a financial miracle.


LUKE 22:42-44


2saying, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup [of divine wrath] from Me; yet not My will, but [always] Yours be done.” 43 Now an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him. 44 And being in agony [deeply distressed and anguished; almost to the point of death], He prayed more intently; and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down on the ground.

An angel appeared and strengthened him. So you see we have another tool in our toolbox but are we using it today? Angels are our ministering servants.


So you all are getting to see my decrees, the words that are coming out of my mouth become fruitful. I degreed years ago that I would move to VB. Well here i am! I also decreed finances, that’s the next one. So you all get to see this play out in real time as I am believing God is more than enough, that he supplies all my needs amen! 




17 For if by the trespass of the one (Adam), death reigned through the one (Adam), much more surely will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in [eternal] life through the One, Jesus Christ.


We are to reign in life, RIGHT NOW! If we are to reign then we are kings!

How many times does a King need to command before it happens? Once!

So we need to command once but thank Him and praise Him everyday!



So get you a piece of paper and write down your command for your finances. And call forth ministering angels to assist you in bringing in the finances. And tell that devil, command the devil to keep his hands off your finances in Jesus name.

You can do this once, you’re a King, and the rest of the days you can thank God and praise God, amen!

My wife and I are doing this now. 


Lord, I am believing in finances for_______a month.

Lord I claim that:

  1. My every need and want is met
  2. Every bill is paid and on time
  3. I operate in the surplus and overflow
  4. I have uncommon favor

I claim this  in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Satan get your hands off my finances and anything else that belongs to me. Go ministering spirits and cause abundant finances to come in Jesus name.

Now this doesn’t excuse you from renewing your mind. How can you believe what I just told you if you don’t renew your mind? You have to come into complete agreement with this. No Wavering.


I truly love you all,

Pastor/Coach Jeno

About Jeno Shaw

I'm a servant, preacher, teacher, prophet of Jesus Christ through the will of God: Mathew 16:18, the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it(church)
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