RIGHT WAY TITHING – Sunday REVIVAL Tent Meeting – 03/10/2024




By Pastor Jeno Shaw/ The Walk Ministries

Broadcast 03.10.2024

Suggestions For Teaching:


  • MATTHEW 5:45
  • MALACHI 3:10-12
  • MATTHEW 5:23-24
  • 2 CORINTH 9:6-8
  • GEN 4:3-7
  • GEN 14:18-20
  • MARK 12:41-44
  • ACTS 10:2-4

Summary: Most likely you are NOT tithing the right way, see some of the most common mistakes


  1. You can prosper without tithing, but why would you want that?
  2. Do you want Godly blessed money or satan’s money?
  3. If you’re gonna be a Christian you might as well be the best and not lukewarm
  4. Tithing offers protection and shows God we are NOT lovers of money
  5. Be a cheerful giver is the key

Message: tithe, cheerfulgiver, titheprotection, testoftheheart


Love ya saints!

Pastor Jeno Shaw

About Jeno Shaw

I'm a servant, preacher, teacher, prophet of Jesus Christ through the will of God: Mathew 16:18, the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it(church)
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