Dream On- Join Us for Bible Preaching Today! 8/26/2022


The Walk Ministries

2085 Lynnhaven Parkway

Suite 106 #514 

Virginia Beach, VA 23456


Dream On

August 26th, 2022


Let’s look at Habakkuk 2:2-3 (Amp)


Then the Lord answered me and said,

“Write the vision

And engrave it plainly on [clay] tablets

So that the one who reads it will run.


“For the vision is yet for the appointed [future] time

It hurries toward the goal [of fulfillment]; it will not fail.

Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it,

Because it will certainly come; it will not delay.



What does it mean?

Write your goals down!!!! Have you ever heard “People don’t plan to fail but they do fail to plan”. 

Watch your goals come to pass!

A dog right is a man’s best friend. Why? A dog will play fetch, will protect you, loves you and is loyal to you.

Well I challenge that! Your words are your best friend, better than a dog! A dog can fail, a dog can die. And if your trust is in a human, same thing. 

But this! But this will not fail!, it can’t fail! Did you hear me? It can’t fail! Now it might delay because we all want everything right now at this very minute, but it won’t fail.

When God said let there be light, what were the odds of that NOT HAPPENING. 0 odds. 0 odds of failure at the very words “Let there be light”.

If Jesus is the seed, we are the orchard. We are a chip off the old block. The words WE SAY are like the words GOD SAYS! He is our parent, we are the offspring, and offsprings are like their parents!

The Words we say/write down–don’t fail.

Ok i’m interested

Om talking to a wide range audience so first you want to accept Jesus into your life. Trust me you don’t want any riches, any blessings apart from Jesus, it’s not worth it and that’s the problem with new age is they are trying to do the same thing and they mention the universe but they refuse to mention and honor and worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Trying to get somewhere without God is what got Adam and Eve in trouble in the garden. We always include God.

Write down your goals

The worst thing you can do is write down small goals and as they come true your gonna kick yourself for not making bigger goals.

Declare your goals everyday

You can make a vision board with your favorite bible verses and pictures of your goals and put it somewhere in your house where you will see it everyday and declare it.

Continue on with your life

Live your life, worship, work, prayer, family etc. Your goals will come to pass.


Do not tell the negative people in your life

If you share a dream with a negative person in your life they can cause you to lose hope if you are not strong enough. 

“ My dream is to be a teacher”

“How are you gonna be a teacher, you flunked out of school, lol”

“Ah your right, what was I thinking”

Boom, that dream is gone just like that. Be careful with sharing your dream with negative people but do share your dream with others as this can link you with another person that can help you achieve your dreams.

My story

I did this exact thing. Back in 2019 I wrote down “me and my family are moving to VB” . I declared it for like a week and then I put it away as I was actually moving to another state. Well 


here in 2022 we actually moved here into Virginia Beach! Now it did take some time but God was aligning things behind the scene the whole time. So yes I am a product of this verse, it is too late for anyone to tell me that it doesn’t work because I’m living proof it does work.


I truly love you all,

Pastor/Coach Jeno

About Jeno Shaw

I'm a servant, preacher, teacher, prophet of Jesus Christ through the will of God: Mathew 16:18, the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it(church)
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