Biblical Teaching: Doctor Series II

This biblical teaching is a production of The Walk Ministries with Pastor Jeno Shaw. You can watch the video below, and then read the teaching notes that follow.


In Part Two of this series, we will go further into the ailments. I mean, these are the reasons people see doctors, right?


  • Health: This is another big one. In scripture it says:

Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

I know we heard this before, but what does it mean? You go to work 40 hours a week to earn wages. At the end of the week or two weeks, you get your wages in the form of a check. Same thing with sin. When sinning you are earning wages as well, but here, the wages don’t turn into a paycheck, but death. In this case, it can be deceiving because some people may die right away while others seem to live on. But when your wages are full, and you don’t know when that will be, you will receive whatever you’ve been working for, and it can come about with sickness or disease. This is not to be confused with Christians that have afflictions. Hence, just because a Christian has an illness, it doesn’t  mean they are sinning. In the Bible, kings were especially careful not to sin, especially sexual sin because they knew that meant death. (Gen 20:2-5)

Talking about health, we do have to be careful when we do go to the doctor. Doctors are good, don’t get me wrong, but often they deal with their eyes only and not the spiritual realm. Just because a doctor gives you a bad report doesn’t mean you have  to accept it. Sometimes that doctor can have a familiar spirit, and, yes, doctors can be influenced just like anyone else, and they can actually say, “According to these scans, it looks like you have cancer.” In reality or should I say spiritually, the evil spirit is trying to put cancer on you. How many times do we go to the doctor and we trust their medical judgment? So if a doctor gives you a bad report, you need to ask yourself who are you coming into agreement with — the doctor or the Word of God? I had a friend who received a bad report and the first thing they did was google it. What they should have done was go to the Word of God first and foremost. We need to allow scripture to become our medicine. God is known as our Healer, Jehovah Rapha. 

Psalms 103:3 “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;” It says God heals ALL MY DISEASES! Not some, but ALL. Wholeness and Health IS THE WILL OF GOD for your life! Notice, healthy things grow, and things that are not healthy stop growing. We should always be in a stage of growth and learning. Another thing to note is you don’t have to be healed in order to heal other people. You don’t qualify yourself, God does. You can have a hurt back and pray for someone and they get healed of their back while you’re still hurting. God can use anyone!

  • Finances: Check this verse out:

3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”

God wishes above ALL things that we prosper AND be in good health. What good is it to make wealth if you’re just sick all the time? Or what good is it to have good health but not be prospering? It’s important to note that these two go hand in hand. So if you were to take this prescription it would be: Thank you, Lord, that I do prosper, and I am very healthy!  Even if you don’t see it right now, it’s important to see it and speak it out loud. Now, finances are more than just declaring; although, that is part of it. We must be in obedience with God’s money. We must tithe. If you want to be part of God’s financial eco system, you must do it His way. People argue about tithing all the time. Tithing was instituted before the law. If you studied giving, then you know that when we give we ALWAYS get a blessing back; although, that is not the motivation behind it. We are to be Christ-like and we all know God is a giver. Therefore, we should be givers too.

  • Relationships: We may have unhealthy relationships. Be Careful who your friends are, and don’t be unequally yoked. If you have good friends, then that will push you to be better. But if you have friends who are bad influences, it won’t be long until it rubs off on you. Remember when King Saul hung around the prophets, he started prophesying.

1 Samuel 10:11 “And it came to pass, when all that knew him beforetime saw that, behold, he prophesied among the prophets, then the people said one to another, What is this that is come unto the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?”

Notice how surprised everyone was? This was obviously not normal for Saul to do, but you will be known for the company that you keep. Jesus is the very rare person that could hang out with thieves and change THEM, not the other way around. We need to have an influence like Jesus where we command change to our environment and not let the environment change us. Amen? Sometimes, we may even pray for the ax of judgment so that our loved ones can break free from ungodly influences in their life. See Ax of Judgment Prayer.

Relationships can be complicated and you may have a soul tie from a previous relationship. If we are not healed from a previous relationship we can drag some of  that junk into our new relationship so you want to have your soul cleansed: See Soul Cleansing Prayer.

The Cure

The Cure for these ailments is to seek the doctor of all doctors (God), and take your medication, which is the Word of God. Remember who you are:

1 Corinthians 1:2 “Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:”

You are a saint. My mothers side of the family grew up Catholic, so I thought a saint was someone who  lived a holy life (which was obviously not ordinary people like you or me), and when their grave was exhumed, everything was preserved and, therefore, declared a saint. But when I started going to church and reading the Bible for myself, I found out the meaning of saint.

Saint: As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are set apart for God’s special purposes, and the Holy Spirit dwells in you. You live a life of holiness, however, imperfectly, but nonetheless, you’re still a saint. All who have accepted Jesus Christ, by faith, are given the status of holy before God because of what Jesus has done for us, not for anything we have done. I mean, look at Corinth. The church at Corinth had theological and moral errors but yet they were still considered saints.

Let’s look at Exodus: 

Exodus 3:14
“And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”

So let’s say some I ams today: 

  • I am born of incorruptible seed
  • I am prosperous in all that I do
  • I am healed of all sickness and disease

It’s also good to be thankful before the Lord.

The doses you are going to take today are:

  • Thank You, Lord, You heal all my diseases (take 3 times a day)
  • Thank You, Lord, I’m prospering and am in excellent health because I follow your ways (3 times a day)
  • Thank You, Lord, for removing dead branches from my life so I may bear good fruit for You. (3 times a day)

Seek out and pray on the links listed above as well, and like I always say, this ministry always has your back. We will fight alongside you, for you are NOT alone. We have intercessors ready to pray for you and your situation. And of course you have the mighty Word of God working with you. If you take the Word of God seriously, then the Word of God will take you seriously through your faith, and YOU WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS!

God has so many ways to heal, to deliver you, and, yes, He can work thru doctors and nurses, but first, we must go to the Word of God. It is my prayer that you take this medicine. Sometimes you just have to do something different. The Word of God IS real. Amen.

I truly love you all,

Pastor Jeno

About Jeno Shaw

I'm a servant, preacher, teacher, prophet of Jesus Christ through the will of God: Mathew 16:18, the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it(church)
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