THE LEVITE – Sunday REVIVAL Tent Meeting – 06/16/2024




By Pastor Jeno Shaw/ The Walk Ministries

Broadcast 06.16.2024

Suggestions For Teaching:


  • JUDGES 19: 1-3
  • JUDGES 19: 5-9
  • LUKE 22: 31-32
  • JUDGES 19: 22-26
  • JUDGES 19: 27-29
  • JEREMIAH 17:9

Summary: The Bible has stories of love, hate, betrayal and scary


  1. The bible has every kind of story you would want to read
  2. This story is a type of horror/scary if you will
  3. Why is the Levite by himself?
  4. What is a concubine?

Message: levite, concubine, spiritofdelay


Love ya saints!

Pastor Jeno Shaw

About Jeno Shaw

I'm a servant, preacher, teacher, prophet of Jesus Christ through the will of God: Mathew 16:18, the gates of hell shall NOT prevail against it(church)
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