The Walk Ministries
2085 Lynnhaven Parkway
Suite 106 #514
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Today’s Headlines
September 04, 2022
Business Insider
A Kansas teacher is reported to receive $95,000 from her ex-employer after she was suspended for refusing to use a student’s preferred name and pronouns. Let’s talk about this. The teacher said if she would have gone by the students wishes it would have violated her Christian beliefs.
The teacher was suspended for 3 days and given a written reprimand because she kept referring to the student by their legal name. The student whose biological sex is female(female trying to be a male) had a different preferred name of he/him.
Research the article reports has shown misgendering or deadnaming transgender or nonbinary people can have harmful effects on mental health.
Um. How about not reading the word of God can have harmful effects on mental health. How about taking God and the bible out of school can have harmful mental effects.
What does the word say?
God created Adam and Eve.
God did not create the mule, transgender, nonbinary. Not even Adam and Steve.
A mule is an offspring of a male donkey(God made) and a female horse(God made). This results in an abomination that can not reproduce. That’s the first sign that this is not a blessing of God.
You see, a real horse has 64 chromosomes. A real donkey has 62 chromosomes. The mule has 63 chromosomes. One less to make it a horse and one too much to make it a donkey!
Why do you think satan loves the gay agenda. You can’t reproduce! Satan wants to stop the incoming of any more prophets, pastors, or any body of Christ for that matter and how can he do that? Through abortion and through the gay agenda!
Genesis 1:27
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
God only created male and female. Can you imagine the confusion as a kid growing up nowadays? Imagine being a child and your parents are 2 dads? Or 2 moms? Or a kid that watches TV all day and is brainwashed? These are real challenges facing children today.
When I was growing up on TV you had cowboys and ranchers. Even as bad as it is smoking you had the “Marlboro Man”. When I was a kid I used to watch the “Six million dollar man”! What happened to us!!!!!!
The teachers lawyers argued that to refer to the students preferred pronouns would violate her conscience and her 1st Amendment rights to free speech and free exercise of religion.
There’s the winning blueprint, people. It violates your conscience, 1st amendment rights to free speech and free exercise of religion.
Reports a North Carolina school baptized more than 100 kids without their parents permission!
Now reading this it looks like the school tried to sneak a quick baptism behind the parents back.
Now what happened was a few of the students had actually had permission from their parents and were scheduled for a baptism. But then the rest of the students “felt” moved to join in on the ceremony. THAT’S CALLED GOD! Parents if I can’t move through you then I will use your children! Amen!
The article further reads “Truly the Lord began to move this morning and we were so excited about what the Lord was doing. Several students had given their lives to the Lord during Spiritual Emphasis Week and they were scheduled to be baptized this morning.” “But the Spirit of the Lord moved and the invitation to accept the Lord and be baptized was given and the students just began to respond to the presence of the Lord.”
Multiple parents complained.
Think about this. You are sending your children to a Christian school and the Holy Spirit shows up and you want to complain!!!!
I think the teachers did the right thing! Are we to stop the Holy Spirit!
Some parents complained that the school un-did the Churches Baptism, I guess the child was baptized earlier as a baby or something.
Some parents wanted to be there
Listen, one of the most important things to see here is this. Your child decided out of their own will to choose God!!! Isn’t that what it’s all about? Your child didn’t choose drugs but chose Jesus this very day! Be happy and rethink why the Holy Spirit moved the way He did. Have you been too busy for your child?
Luke 23:42
“And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom(paradise).”
The thief did not get baptized but still went with Jesus to paradise. Note it says paradise which is another word for Abraham’s bosom which is a place righteous people went that died prior to the cross. After the cross we go to heaven but prior to the cross people went to paradise.
Accepting Christ Headline
I heard this one pastor(pastor #1) calling out the other pastor(pastor #2) because they were having a meeting and one pastor(#2) bragged about how while he was on the way over to the meeting he was able to get the Uber driver to accept Jesus Christ.
Pastor #1 was offended and upset because we can’t just go around and get people to say the sinner’s prayer and think that’s it. They need discipleship!
Okay. True there is no official sinner’s prayer in the bible. The closest there is found in Romans 10:9-10
Romans 10:9-10
“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
What is the fruit? Someone is translated from darkness to light. Someone is trying to live a better and righteous life unto the Lord. Well that’s good fruit!!!!
Now pastor#1 is afraid of ok we get people to Christ but we can leave them in a baby state!
So now I present to you this:
1 Corinthians 3:6-9
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.
So you see if we can, yes we can guide people to accept Jesus Christ AND then disciple them. But you know what, some may plant a seed. Maybe you have a son that you have raised up in church and he has that seed in him but for whatever reason he doesn’t want to listen to you anymore! Then I come along and I water and your son will be set on fire for the Lord!
And together both you and I are laborers together with God!
So am I supposed to take an Uber and not lead the driver to Jesus Christ? What if I get out of the car and then the driver dies in a car wreck? Then what? I had a chance to help and I did not.
Just like my little brother. I had a chance to lead him to Christ but I didn’t do it. I thought I would see him later but glory to God he was watching my messed up life. He saw how I changed by the grace of God. I found out at his funeral he did receive Jesus Christ!
Church we got to stop fighting each other. There are so many opinions in the body of Christ. Some people believe Jesus went to hell, some don’t believe that, some believe communion is a spiritual transformation of the grape juice and crackers , some don’t believe that. And the list goes on! CAN WE UNITE UNDER THE BANNER OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD! That is our strength and will bring the devil to his knees if the Churches can unite together and stop talking about how different we are. I got brown skin you may have white skin, soooo what!, we are children of God!
I had a meeting with a Pastor over the weekend. It was powerful! Wonderful testimony he has!
Do we agree on lockstep on everything, I don’t think so. But that doesn’t stop me from loving him and being a blessing to him and not a hindrance. Why would I go to church and be a hindrance?
Some people believe it’s there anointing to correct the Pastor and they go church to church and that’s all they do. I might have a conversation with whoever it is, if I’m led by the Holy Spirit, but I let the Holy Spirit do his job and I pray!
Pastor / Coach Jeno