The Walk Ministries
2085 Lynnhaven Parkway
Suite 106 #514
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
The Rock
August 28th, 2022
Are you guys familiar with the wrestler called the “Rock”. The WWF which is what it used to be called, The World Wrestling Federation before they got sued and had to change their name to WWE. But I used to hilariously watch it because I thought it was the funniest thing. The over the top fakeness and get this the writing for it the script was hilarious. The banter that went on between the wrestlers was funny, I don’t know about now but back in the 90’s that was just prime material. I’ll spare you the details so i don’t bore you all.
Well now as you know the Rock is a famous actor now but you know before the Rock there was THE ROCK.
I want to talk about this famous verse that you guys are probably familiar with.
Matthew 16:18
“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
The second half of this verse gives us a clue about the end times but right now I want to talk about the first half of this verse.
We all have recognized this verse as saying upon Peter I will build my church. Now I’m not going after the Catholics about this because I myself have understood this verse for years to mean Peter is the rock. I mean Peter actually means rock right?
John 1:42
“And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone.”
A stone or rock in other words. And because of this, it makes understanding Mathew 16:18 a little bit difficult, but we’re gonna clear that up right now!
Upon this rock I will build my church is talking about Jesus NOT Peter! Now hold on. As I say this to you, those that are mature and with discernment will know. But what we will do here is we will let the bible interpret the bible!
I shall present to you evidence. Now how many times does God need to say something and he means it? Once. God means every word he says so he only needs to mention it once but we will find here that it is written here in the bible at least 7 times! More than 7 times but here’s 7 that will drive it home.
- Psalm 89:26- He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
- Psalm 18:31- For who is God save the LORD? or who is a rock save our God?
- Deut. 32:18- Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.
And now the last and most convincing evidence I would like to present is:
Now it is Clear
So now it is undoubtedly clear, with overwhelming evidence that the rock, the church is built on, is Jesus and not Peter.
Now in hindsight how can Peter be the rock, a foundation, for the Church to stand on when Jesus told Peter further on in Matthew…
Matthew 16:19-23
Note: So now we can properly interpret this as Jesus is telling Peter that I, Jesus, am the rock and I’m giving you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.
Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ.
Note: Obviously Jesus is on a secret mission to save the world and didnt want it to be revealed to the enemy.
Note: Now Peter has put himself between the will of God and Jesus. What a dangerous position to be in!
Peter Peter Peter
Now it seems like I’m picking on Peter but there’s another place in the bible Peter got into some major trouble. Remember when Peter denied Jesus 3 times?
Luke 22:54-61
And he denied him, saying, Woman, I know him not.
Note: first denial
Note: Second denial
Note: Third denial
No big deal right? Jesus didn’t cut eyes at him. Jesus didn’t yell “ I told you Peter!” Jesus didn’t reflect anger in that moment. So it seems as if Peter denied Jesus 3 times, but it’s ok. Is it? Is it ok?
Remember these disciples have been promoted. They know better, now. With more power comes more responsibility right? Well let’s take a peek and see what happens.
Mark 16:4-7
And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great.
See it? Did you catch that? In verse 7 it says go tell his disciples AND Peter. Peter was and has been a part of the disciples EVERYONE knows that. Yet here it says tell the disciples AND Peter! I
tell ya Peter was in bad shape right here. He is on thin ice obviously for denying Jesus but what does Jesus do? Later on we see that Jesus brings him back into the fold into the herd.
Because Peter probably feels at this point a traitor and that he let down Jesus when Jesus needed him the most. Peter I believe was in danger, emotionally he was a wreck. We all know how our emotions can take us on a rollercoaster ride if we let it. But look what happens here:
1 Corinthians 15:5
“And that he(Jesus) was seen of Cephas(Peter), then of the twelve:”
Kinda odd at first that Jesus was seen privately with Peter THEN of the 12. Jesus had to minister to Peter privately to get him BACK.
Luke 15:4
“What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?”
Jesus ministers to Peter, so as not to lose this sheep. There’s a difference between crying and crying bitterly. It says Peter cried bitterly. And in true fashion Jesus just like he said he would, Jesus went after the one and brought him back into the sheep herd and ministered to him(Peter).
So now you all know who the foundation is for the church(Jesus) and the supporting beams could be described as the disciples.Because they are building on top of what Jesus has laid down or started.
I truly love you all.
Pastor/Coach Jeno