The Walk Ministries
August 7th, 2022
November is actually National Adoption Month. While that is great and fantastic, finding out as a child or any age for that matter, that you are adopted just sucks. Now it’s great that hey someone took you in but quite often your focus is on who are these people that didn’t want me or who thought I was trash and what makes it worse is these people are supposed to be my true biological parents!
I went through an abortion and a type of adoption. Well obviously I’m here so it didn’t go through but I guess you can say I had a brush with both.
Focusing on the adoption part, when I was a child I grew up with a white mom and a black dad. And I don’t have to tell you how much learning and your identity takes place from the age of 1 to 11. A LOT. I already had it ingrained and accepted in my brain that I was half white and half black. I watched my Father go through racism and I saw how it affected him. Matter of fact my parents sat me down as a child and they told me it’s ok to play with other kids of different color and the biggest effect was when they told me they had friends that were yellow, white, black and brown. And for some reason when they told me that I just thought that was the coolest thing ever.
Well it all came crashing down one day when they decided to get a divorce. Now the truth came out and I was devastated. Apparently the person whom I thought was my Mom was not my Mom and someone else was my Mom. Turns out this Mom couldn’t have babies so she wanted me to look at her as a real biological Mom and I did. The problem was during one of my times of being a young boy I got into some trouble and she called me back into the house and she slapped me so hard I flew back and fell down. Now the problem was it left a mark on my face and my lip was bleeding and swollen. So when my dad came home he was very upset and he began to take it out on her. Apparently my dad was the only one allowed to abuse me. So after this incident she didn’t feel like a mom anymore because my dad made it very clear. But yet I still loved them both through it all.
But now I know the truth and it’s time for me to seek out my biological mom. I thought maybe she was going to be this super mom but it turned out she had problems of her own.
I had questions like why did she give me up, was I not loveable?
But now I’m starting to notice and everyone else as well, that I was different. I didn’t talk like other kids in the neighborhood. A common phrase people would tell me was “stop acting so white”. Lol do you really think I’m trying this is just me being me. Can I be me and you be you, do I have to be like everyone else?
So not only did this situation make me feel I was adopted but I remember I ran into this word I heard at school. Bastard. I was like what is that word and I looked it up and I was shocked that it described my very own situation. My parents never married so I’m just this Bastard.
So my self-esteem was really low at this time. So I’m not the only one I know. There are some of you out there that went through this as well.
Adoption sucks because there’s someone that loves you obviously but again in the back of your head there’s a person that gave you up. What about the people or babies that were found in a trash bin, or born in the back of a chevy or even a closet!
This is where the Genius of God comes in. He makes it so that it doesn’t matter how you start. If you were the product of a rape, it doesn’t matter, incest or whatever. You see ALL babies are born with a GODLY PURPOSE, ALL BABIES MEAN ALL.
God doesn’t express his love to the angels, nor to the sun or moon. We are the only one he is in love with . God never took his focus off of us. He never cheated but we did! We took in idols!
Ephesians 1:4
“According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:”
Before God made the world, he had us in him and had plans for us before the world was even made. So it doesn’t matter how we start. Because we all have our own Christian walk to do.
Our identity is not from the backseat of a chevy but in christ Ephesians 1
Just like when parents go to the adoption agency, the PARENTS choose the baby. God Chooses us! Before the world. God didn’t choose the universe, angels, stars , no he chose us!
Adoption changes your identity. Our Identity is now tied to Christ.We are in Christ who has been blessed with every spiritual blessing and what did Jesus do with all of these blessings? Why he passed it on to us! We now, for those that have accepted Jesus, we have taken on the nature of Christ himself. All that wickedness and evil rebellion of the past is gone and lifted off!
Ephesians 1:5
“Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,”
It brings him Great pleasure in adopting us! And as you know it cost God something. Yes there’s a cost. It cost God EVERYTHING! His most prized love in his life, his one and only son that’s what it cost him.
It costs Jesus something too. He had to get a makeover. That’s right before you got your makeover Jesus had the very first makeover. He was the Word and moved around as the Word. But to save us Jesus came down to this earth and took on an earthly body with flesh. Now that is a makeover!
Ephesians 1:6
“To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”
Jesus has accepted us! I mean really accepted us! You see man accepts you only because of what you can do.
You ever had a group of friends that always hung around you and the minute you ran out of money why they are gone too. Jesus is not like that.
I struggled with self acceptance for a long time. Then one day Jesus came to me and he said Jeno I accept you. And when he spoke I heard it. When he spoke I felt it go through my body. I felt acceptance go into my body. And deep down we each know that we have a long way to go to be perfect but Jesus accepts us now, while we are not perfect he accepts us.
So we have taken on this nature of Christ. 2 Peter.
2 Peter 1:4
“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”
This is what everyone is looking for! The divine nature. And when people don’t know where to go what happens? They go to the wrong place, they go to the devil, they go get a copy cat. The devil is a copycat but Our God is the original and is true power. The enemy has to lie to trick you but I tell you what, true power doesn’t have to lie!!!!!
Back on adoption. God has chosen you. Just like in real life you go and choose the best child to take home. God has done the same thing. God picked you out and said “This one is mine!”
1john 4:19 “we love because he first loved us” that’s the reason we love. He showed us!
If you are out there and you are thinking about adoption, I say go for it. There’s gonna be a great need for adoptions as Roe vs Wade is overturned. You can expect a baby boom and the need for adoption will probably rise but please do me one favor.
Please at your discretion, you’ll know the timing, tell your adoptive son or daughter about how Christ adopted us and that in fact we are all adopted. Every single one of us is adopted. And we couldn’t have asked for a better Dad than Daddy God! Let them know that as parents we are not perfect, there’s gonna be some mistakes but God is perfect. In fact our children are on loan to us. Children truly belong to God and he has entrusted us to be parents to these wonderful children for a time on the earth. We all go to heaven as HIS sons and daughters.
Remember there’s a God given plan for EVERY baby. Regardless of how it happened. Regardless if they were found in a trash can, that baby is NOT trash.
We are eternal beings. Every single one of us. We are eternal. As eternal beings each of us has to decide where we want to spend eternity. It’s called free will. You and I make a choice daily where we want to go.
Again it’s not so much how we start, where we start but it’s all about how we finish! Some of us walk, some run, some speed but whatever you do, don’t stop, don’t quit on your journey with Christ and finish strong, amen!
I truly love you all,
Paster Jeno