This biblical teaching is a production of The Walk Ministries with Pastor Jeno Shaw. You can watch the video below, and then read the teaching notes that follow.
Mixed Truth
Have you ever seen those signs that people may have in their front lawn that say, Black Lives Matter, love is love, science is real, feminism is for everyone, humans are not illegal, and kindness is everything? Let’s look at each one of these because there’s one that got my attention. As I began to look at these, the Holy Spirit began to minister to me.
This one is VERY crafty and difficult to argue about. It’s difficult to argue about because we first need to dissect the BLM brand (company) vs black people. That’s the key right there.
- BLM concerning black people: Yes, of course black lives matter, no brainer. And its to just bring awareness to the fact, “HEY, STOP KILLING OUR BLACK MEN AND OUR BLACK WOMEN. WE ARE PEOPLE TOO!” Sometimes cops forget that black people are people too. Okay, we got that. But what needs to be included is that a lot of black men and women die at the hand of another black person! That’s called black on black crime. What’s being done to address that? BLM? Where are you?
- BLM as a company: My personal experience is the first fruit that I heard about BLM — how they bought themselves some nice houses. I didn’t hear anything about how they are addressing black-on-black crime. I never had anybody come to me and say, “Wow, BLM has changed my life.” Maybe they have changed some lives. I just never saw it or experienced it on an everyday basis. If you have felt the imprint of BLM in your neighborhood or your life, let me know in the chat because I really want to know!
So when talking with people about BLM, remember we need to separate the company from the actual black as a race because as soon as you say, “Well, hey, ALL lives matter,” you look like a racist and you just don’t get it. Of course, all lives matter. The main purpose is to bring awareness of black lives. So if you engage someone in conversation, make sure it’s BLM as a COMPANY and not the people.
Love is Love
Okay, I admit, this one almost got me. I’m all about love and treating others as such with respect regardless of nationality, gender, or whatever. But think about it, is that right — love is love? What about pedophiles? Sex trafficking? Love is love, right? See how Satan twists this? In the garden, the snake said, “Surely, you won’t die.” Death was not a part of the plan but life and life abundantly was. See how crafty these signs are?!
Science is Real
We have to be careful about this one too. Science is real, and the Bible is not? Science is, “I believe it when I see it,” and that type of attitude is contrary to our Bible.
In the Bible, we go by faith, and we do what?
Romans 4:17-18
17 “As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations, before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. (18) Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.”
And actually, science is catching up to the Bible, not the other way around. Science is finding out things that have been in the Bible all along. Science is finding out that as you bless or curse things, it changes the molecular structure of said item, for instance, water. If you were to bless a water bottle and freeze it, the water under a microscope would have perfectly formed crystals, and if you were to curse the water and freeze it, then the water crystals would be deformed or imperfect! So imagine what your words do to family members or even yourself.
The Bible says: Proverbs 18:21
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
Feminism is for everyone
Wow! Okay, first definition straight from Webster’s Dictionary: the belief that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities. At its core, its purity, yes, this is a good thing, but the enemy has twisted this so much. Should women vote? Yes, of course, but now the pendulum has swung way out into left field now that the men have just about exited the stage.
Where are the men in prayer groups or Bible studies? Most of the ones I go to are almost all women with maybe 1 or 2 males, especially when it comes to prayer groups. Thank goodness, I didn’t know better when I accepted Christ. I thought most men interceded and prayed in groups, but I slowly found out that it’s actually mostly women.
I believe I am a trailblazer through Jesus Christ to open that door for more men of faith to join the prayer teams and intercession. Plus, now we have the problem of men wanting to be female so they can join the women’s swim team and get a medal easily while outperforming the women. The tragedy is the woman who worked so hard at it and normally would have won but now she loses to a man-woman. That’s fair? You see what the enemy is doing here?
Humans are not illegal
Okay, at first glance, this is another tricky one. Of course, humans aren’t illegal; however, this is talking about “illegal aliens.” Now, I personally have a problem with that term. Humans are not aliens. I have always despised that terminology to describe someone outside the United States.
I don’t have a problem with people coming to the United States. People have been doing it for many, many years, and that’s awesome! Yes, we need a wall, and some people get riled up about that. They think it’s racism. They’re assuming you’re racist against Latinos, but that’s not true. I’m all for people coming to America. They just need to do it legally like everyone else did in the past. And did you know that those who are against the wall will have a surprise waiting for them in Heaven because even Heaven has a wall?!
Revelation 21:19 “And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald …” So, yes, even our heavenly city has a wall.
Kindness is everything
Yes, true, BUT not at the expense of condoning your sins. We cannot condone sinning. We can be loving toward the person with love AND Truth! That’s the key right there. Love people where they are at, but at the same time, show them the truth and allow the Holy Spirit to guide them and convict them. So when you see these signs in people’s front yards, just know that they are not as innocent as people think they are.
Okay, saints, I love you all,
Pastor/Coach Jeno